As the name implies, the courts of appeals have appellate jurisdiction. 顾名思义,上诉法院有受理上诉的裁判权。
The highest federal court in the US; has final appellate jurisdiction and has jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation. 美国最高联邦法院;最后的上诉法院拥有掌管全国一切法院的权限。
Appellate court-A court having jurisdiction to hear appeals and review a trial court's procedure. 上诉法院,一个法院有审判权听取上诉和调查审判法院的程序。
The court of trial jurisdiction, sometimes called the county or superior court, has both original and appellate jurisdiction; 在审判管辖权的法院,有时也被称为县或上级法院,同时具有原始和上诉管辖权;
The second tier of federal courts with general appellate jurisdiction consists of the U. 美国地区法院是美国主要的审判级法院,它拥有刑事和民事司法管辖权。
In all the other cases before-mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. 对上述所有其他案件,不论法律方面还是事实方面,最高法院具有上诉审管辖权,但须依照国会所规定的例外和规章。
The constitution supervision committee exercises the appellate jurisdiction over the unconstitutional cases in accordance with judicial procedure. 论对审判权的监督行政自由裁量权问题论析宪法监督委员会依司法程序,行使违宪案件的上诉管辖权。
Giving the victim appellate right accords with the developing trend of criminal suit, can fully protect the victim's interests, and can restrict the abuse of court's jurisdiction. 赋予被害人上诉权符合刑事诉讼发展趋势,能够充分保护被害人的利益,能够制约审判权的滥用。
Panels and Appellate Body first established two level jurisdiction systems in international law. This is a specially success in international jurisdiction mechanism. 专家组和上诉机构两极裁判机制的创立,是国际法上独一无二的成果。
In fact, the science design of restriction mechanism in civil trial grade relates to directly the achievement of target of construction of trial grade and the function of appellate jurisdiction. 而事实上,审级制约机制设计的科学与否,直接关涉到审级建构目标和上诉审功能能否得以实现。